- The long tough fight ahead - Beyond sunny Italy!
- American WWII poster
- Year: 1943
- Artist: Unknown
The story of this poster
An interesting drawing originally printed in Aug 1943 on the backside of the "Newsmap", a kind of newspaper especially aimed for the US soldiers at the front.
The purpose of the print was to work against the rumours spreading among the soldiers that "-The war will soon be over" or "-We'll be home before christmas" etc. The message was something like"-Sure, Italy is more or less defeated but the hardest fight is yet to come". It was important that the soldiers didn't relax in their efforts and continue to fight as determined as they had done so far.
President Roosevelt himself said July 28, 1943:
"- I confess that I myself am sometimes bewildered by conflicting statements that I see in the press. One day I read an "authorative" statement that we shall win this year, 1943, and the next day comes an, equally "authorative", statement that the war still will be going on in 1949.
Of course, both extremes - of optimism and pessimism - are wrong. The length of the war will depend upon the uninterrupted continuance of all-out effort on the fighting fronts and here at home. The effort is all one."
Always at World War Era
- Printed at our own facility in Sweden
- Unique posters
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- Printed on Hahnemühle 210 gram matte paper - for perfect result!